The Eyes are the Window to the Soul and Much More
Feb 27, 2015 01:44PM ● By Natalie Weaver
Have you heard of iridology—the study of the iris or colored part of the eye? Iridology is a science-based practice that has been employed for centuries and is a helpful diagnostic tool.
Iridology can reveal inflammation of the body as well as the location and level of the inflammation. During a non-invasive exam, an iridologist analyzes the iris fiber structures of the eye—any pigments or colors within the fibers and the formation of the minute blood vessel structures occurring on the whites of the eyes. The information obtained from the exam can help address weaknesses in the body and identify the root causes.
According to iridology, there are three true eye colors:
- Lymphatic – the “true” blue eye
- Hematogenic – the “true” brown eye
- Bilary – the mixed iris, often appearing hazel or light brown
Each color has its own health status and no two irises are alike—like fingerprints, they are unique to the individual.
Iridology began in the early 1800s in Egervar, Hungary, and Dr. Bernard Jensen introduced it in the U.S. over 50 years ago. Jensen is known as the pioneer of North American iridology and developed one of the first and most comprehensive iridology charts that is still used today. In Iridology Simplified, Jensen stated, “The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscles and other tissues.”
A master herbalist and iridologist, Dr. Natalie Weaver is a board-certified Naturopath, specializing in bio therapeutic drainage, phytembryotherapy, clinical homeopathy and blood type nutrition. For more information, call 434-414-8959 or visit