Bruno Groening Teachings on Divine Help and Healing

Bruno Groening, well-known in 20th-century Germany for his extraordinary healing successes, showed people how to connect to a healing, higher power. At 7 p.m., May 5, at Unity of Richmond, Dr. Wolfgang Vogelsberger, a medical doctor and chronic pain specialist from Germany, will present this simple approach to spiritual healing and share documented, present-day reports of healings of severe, chronic and reportedly incurable diseases. People that have been healed will share their experiences and lecture attendees will be able to connect to and absorb this healing power for themselves.
As a child, Groening possessed a deep spiritual connection that helped people find healing in his presence. He attracted wide public attention in 1949, after a grateful father announced that his son had been healed of muscular dystrophy through Groening’s help. Thousands of healings occurred throughout Germany in subsequent years. The healings continue to this day, and more than 80,000 people from 120 countries are practicing his teachings through the volunteer-staffed Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.
Admission is free. Location: 800 Blanton Ave. For more information, call 804-798-0063. See the Community Calendar for more details.