Celebrate RVA Earth Day in Manchester
The 2018 RVA Earth Day celebration will take place from noon to 7 p.m., April 21, in Manchester, just south of the Mayo Bridge. “The Manchester area continues to thrive as a creative and cultural hub in Richmond,” Style Weekly Publisher Lori Collier Waran says. “Renewed residences, refreshed artists’ studios and continued growth in restaurants and breweries ensure this is the perfect setting for what sustainability in Richmond encompasses.”
The Earth Day celebration will include a host of environmentally conscious vendors and exhibitors, as well as programs for children, local bands, artwork by local artisans, local farmers and local food and beverages. Proceeds from the event will benefit the nonprofit FEED RVA, dedicated to educating communities in the Richmond region on the importance of food systems, healthy/lifelong nutritional habits and accessibility to quality food.
For more information, visit RVAEarthDayFest.org.