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Natural Awakenings Richmond

Mindful Outdoor RVA Provides Unique Nature Connection

Mindful Outdoor RVA, started by Peggy Siegel, invites people outdoors to connect mindfully with the natural world and their own true nature. Research, primarily from Japan, has shown that even an hour in the woods with some guided practices slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and reduces cortisol (stress hormone) levels, all while stimulating a healthy immune response. 

       Mindful Outdoor RVA offers one-hour and one-day mindful outdoor experiences. Each session is held outdoors in a wooded area and includes gentle warm-ups, breathing and centering practices, a guided walk in the woods, a nature meditation and closing circle. The experiences are a gentle meditative approach to being in the natural world with all senses fully alive.

       Siegel is a certified Kripalu mindful outdoor guide, participant in the Virginia master naturalist certification program, certified in wilderness first-aid and CPR and a mindfulness practitioner since 2005 with 20 years of practice in energy healing and intuitive mentoring.

For more information or to register, email [email protected] or visit