Kudos ~ New Integral Yoga Teachers

Twelve new Integral Yoga teachers graduated in May after completing a demanding, six-month 200-hour Yoga Alliance-approved training at the Integral Yoga Center of Richmond (IYCoR). The program was taught by Nora Vimala Pozzi, E-RYT500, program director and lead trainer, and a team of qualified mentors, senior teachers and speakers from IYCoR and Yogaville.
The graduates are Amira (Latika) Albadani, Anna (Jnana) Kutcher, Christine (Bhargavi) Litwa, Cynthia (Vidya) Schmitz, Emily (Ramani) McDaniel, Kate (Dhara) Rivara, Kyle (Rakshana) Blanchette, Meghan (Santoshi) Waters, Nina (Nishtha) Bacote, Pamela (Sivakari) Bruno, Ryann (Viveki) Lofchie and Susi (Durga) Wilbur.
The comprehensive course, based on the teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda, also includes a three-month-long yoga philosophy (Yoga Sutras) curriculum. The teacher training program is offered once a year in the fall and can only accept 12 students.
For more information, call 804-342-1061 or visit YogaHelps.com.