Jan 31, 2022 09:30AM
A plant has successfully converted sunlight and ambient air into drop-in carbon-neutral fuels, crucial for making air and sea transport sustainable.
Placing solar panels in large parking lots makes use of land that is already cleared, producing electricity close to where it’s needed and providing shade to cars.
Dec 30, 2021 09:30AM
As a genetic response to intense poaching for ivory, the amount of elephants born without tusks rose from less than one-fifth to nearly 50 percent.
A new report has found that emissions from the plastic industry may be greater than those from coal-fired power plants by 2029.
Researchers and experts are warning that illegal global wildlife trade impacts species, ecosystems and society in unsustainable ways.
The amount of vapor in the atmosphere is increasing, absorbing a greater amount of the infrared energy radiated off the planet’s surface than other greenhouse gases, thus trapping more heat.
A study shows that honeybee colonies respond to infestation from harmful mites by varying space and interaction in the hive to increase social distance between the younger and older insects.
Climate change is affecting coffee’s taste, aroma, nutritional quality, yield and sustainability, impacting farmers’ livelihoods and consumer experiences.
Nov 30, 2021 09:30AM
A UK tech company claims their drone can plant two trees per second using artificial intelligence for guidance, with a goal of planting 500 billion trees by 2060.
A new technique for measuring the presence of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in indoor air has found them in kindergarten classrooms, offices, laboratories and homes.
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