YogaMotion Pop-Up In-Studio Class
A new pop-up and possible ongoing monthly mixed-level yoga class with Rodney Bradley, RYT 500
Join Rodney Bradley, RYT 500, for this new pop-up and possible ongoing monthly class. This mixed-level yoga class fuses multiple movement forms including glimpses of Tai Chi, Pilates, cardio, dance and more into a yoga class format to improve body strength, core stability, endurance, balance, flexibility, coordination and function. Receive all the benefits of yoga including stress relief with a final body relaxation and ultimately a calming of the mind---all while having fun and building community with upbeat music and flow. No experience necessary. Preregistration is required through MindBody, or [email protected]
Date & Time
November 7, 2022
5:30PM - 6:45PM
Glenmore Yoga & Wellness Center - 10442 Ridgefield Parkway, Richmond, VA, 23233
More Info
$20 or may use a class from your monthly yoga package
Participating Businesses
Glenmore Yoga & Wellness Center