Mindfulness Yoga w/Anne Bhudevi - Saturdays ONLINE
An Mixed Level Integral Yoga® class for Beginners and Experienced students

Class Description: The format of the class is based on Integral Hatha Yoga, and includes yoga postures on the mat (asanas), Breathing techniques (Pranayama) and Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation) with moving meditation. Dress comfortably & don’t have a heavy meal at least 2 hours before class. The earth is our universal home – a place we should regard as sacred, and a place of rest and growth.
This is an ONLINE CLASS via ZOOM: To request INVITATION TO JOIN the class, please email request at [email protected] with your name and phone number, anytime before the class. This is a recurrent weekly class.
About the Teacher: Anne Bhudevi Fletcher Anne’s interest in yoga began in 1985 when she attended her first yoga classes in Richmond – in the basement of a church on Park Ave in the Fan. She also studied Tai Chi for many years before focusing on yoga in 2009. Over the past 7 years, Anne has practiced various forms of yoga, from Hatha, to Vinyassa and Power Yoga. It was after a day visit to the Ashram at Yogaville that she became interested in Integral Yoga – because of its spiritual and inclusive approach. Anne completed her Yoga Teacher Training through the Integral Yoga Center of Richmond in April 2016. She was given the name “Bhudevi” the Hindu goddess representing Mother Earth. This is an appropriate name given Anne’s interest in gardening and sustainable living practices that honor the Earth.
REGISTRATION: If you are a new student, please download Registration Form from our webpage: www.yogahelps.com, and mail it with your check.
1. Venmo @IntegralYogaRVA
2. Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=BE87S9DL43RGA&source=url
3. Mail check to: PO Box 7092, Richmond, Va 23221 Contact: [email protected] or (804) 310-7492
Date & Time
Weekly on Saturday
Jul 11, 2020 through Aug 29, 2020
9:30AM - 10:45AM
Integral Yoga® Center of Richmond (IYCoR) - 213 Roseneath Rd. Suite #102 (behind Temple Beth-El), Richmond, VA, 23221
More Info
Donation: PAY What You Can - $5-$15
Classes & Workshops Health and Wellness Breathing Mindfulness Yoga Deep Relaxation